International Conference
The 4th International Conference Challenges to National Defence in the Contemporary Geopolitical Situation (CNDCGS-2024) is an international forum for the exchange of innovative ideas in the domain of military technology and society security. The CNDCGS-2024 will be aimed at sharing the latest information on the national defence issues in the contemporary geopolitical situation. The primary goal will be to present the highest quality research results on different aspects of defence. The main areas covered in plenary sessions included sustainable defence solutions, defence technologies, environmental issues, modern technologies, multi-criteria decision-making, and other relevant topics related to specific challenges to the European defence in the contemporary geopolitical situation.
The patronage of the conference was kindly taken over by the Rector-Commandant of the University of Defence Brigadier General Prof. RNDr. Zuzana KROČOVÁ, Ph.D. and the deans of both Brno faculties: Faculty of Military Leadership Col Ing. Jan DROZD, Ph.D. and Faculty of Military Technology COL Ing. Vlastimil NEUMANN, Ph.D.
Scope of the CNDCGS 2024

Assoc. Prof. Paul BERG, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Kansas State University, (USA)
Prof. Svajonė Bekešienė, Military Academy of Lithuania (LITHUANIA)
Maj. Ph.D. Klára Cibulová, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Eugeniusz Ciesliak, University of Military Technology (POLAND)
Prof. James Edward Groccia, Auburn University (USA)
Col. of the General Staff. Assoc. Prof. Vladan Holcner, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Martin Holmberg, Swedish Defence University (SWEDEN)
Assoc. Prof. Kamila Hasilová, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Volodymyr Hutsaylyuk, Military University of Technology (POLAND)
Prof. Šárka Hošková-Mayerová, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Fuad Khoshnaw, Ph.D., SFHEA, CEng., De Montfort University (UNITED KINGDOM)
Assoc. Prof. Cristina Flaut, Ovidius University (ROMANIA)
Prof. Jan Furch, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Col. Ing. Jan Drozd, Ph.D., University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Lt. Col. Prof. Ing. Petr Stodola, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Gerry Larson, Swedish Defence University (SWEDEN)
Prof. Fabrizio Maturo, University of Campania (ITALY)
Assoc. Prof. Sabine Mengelberg, Netherlands Defence Academy (HOLLAND)
Prof. Miroslaw Minkina, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (POLAND)
Assoc. Prof. Olga Navickienė, Military Academy of Lithuania (LITHUANIA)
LTC Ing. Vlastimil Neumann, Ph.D. University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Dr. Soili Paananen, Finnish National Defence University (FINLAND)
Assoc. Prof. Rolanda Kazlauskaite-Markelienė, Military Academy of Lithuania (LITHUANIA)
Col. Dr. R. Kostrow, Military Institute of Armament Technology (POLAND)
Prof. Rasa Smaliukienė, Military Academy of Lithuania (LITHUANIA)
Assoc. Prof. Marek Sedlačík, University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Prof. Lucjan Śnieżek, Military University of Technology (POLAND)
Prof. Ing. Pavel Otrisal, Palacký University Olomouc (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Assoc. Prof. Irena Tušer, AMBIS University, (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Assoc. Prof. Alena Vagaská, Prešov Technical University of Košice (SLOVAK REPUBLIC)
Prof. Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas, Military Academy of Lithuania (LITHUANIA)
Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Vintr, CSc. University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Col. Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Yankov Dimitrov, Ph.D. Rakovski National Defence College (BULGARIA)
Assoc. Prof. Madeleine Al Tahan, Abu Dhabi University, (UNITED ARAB EMIRATE)
Chairman: Prof. Svajonė Bekešienė (Military Academy of Lithuania), Svajone.Bekesiene@lka.lt
Vice-Chairman: Prof. Šárka Hošková-Mayerová (University of Defence, Czech Republic), sarka.mayerova@unob.cz
Vice-Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Marek Sedlačík (University of Defence, Czech Republic), marek.sedlacik@unob.cz
Secretary: Dr. Jan Vondra (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic), vondra@math.muni.cz
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Neubauer(University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Prof. Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas (Military Academy of Lithuania)
Dr. Veronika Lacinová (University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Assoc. Prof. Olga Navickienė (Military Academy of Lithuania)
Dr. Lucie Hampelová (University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Dr. Pavlína Račková (University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Dr. Jan Jekl (University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Michálek (University of Defence, Czech Republic)
Prof. Oleksandr Nakonechnyi (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Assoc. Prof. Vladas Tumalavičius (Military Academy of Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Irena Tušer (AMBIS University, Czech Republic)
Tomas Greičiūnas (Military Academy of Lithuania)